Javier Milei's Biography, Age, Career, And Personal Life

Posted by Martina Birk on Monday, May 6, 2024

Javier Milei is an argentine economist and politician who has gained prominence in recent years for his unconventional views and his outspoken criticism of the government. Here is a brief overview of his life, career, and personal life:

Biography: Javier Milei was born on October 23, 1970, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied economics at the University of Buenos Aires and later earned a PhD in economics from the University of Belgrano. Milei is a professor of economics at the University of Buenos Aires and has published several books and articles on economic topics.

Career: Milei began his political career in 2017 when he ran for a seat in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies. He was elected as a member of the Avanza Libertad party and has since become known for his libertarian views and his opposition to government intervention in the economy.

Personal Life: Milei is married to Mara de los ngeles Maratea and they have two children. He is a practicing Catholic and is known for his conservative social views.

Javier Milei

Javier Milei is an Argentine economist and politician who has gained prominence in recent years for his unconventional views and his outspoken criticism of the government. Here are 10 key aspects of his life and career:

  • Birth Date: October 23, 1970
  • Height: 1.80 m (5' 11")
  • Occupation: Economist and politician
  • Political Party: Avanza Libertad
  • Spouse: Mara de los ngeles Maratea
  • Children: 2
  • Education: PhD in Economics from the University of Belgrano
  • Known for: Libertarian views and opposition to government intervention in the economy
  • Personal Beliefs: Practicing Catholic with conservative social views
  • Political Career: Elected to the Argentine Chamber of Deputies in 2017

Milei is a controversial figure in Argentine politics. His supporters admire his willingness to speak his mind and his commitment to free market principles. His critics, however, accuse him of being too extreme and of lacking the experience necessary to hold public office. Despite the controversy, Milei remains a popular figure, and his views are likely to continue to shape the political debate in Argentina for years to come.

Birth Date

Javier Milei was born on October 23, 1970, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This date of birth is significant for a number of reasons, including:

  • Age: As of 2023, Milei is 52 years old. This is a relatively young age for a politician, and it may give him an advantage in terms of energy and stamina.
  • Astrological Sign: Milei is a Scorpio, which is a sign known for its intelligence, passion, and determination. These traits are all evident in Milei's personality and career.
  • Historical Context: Milei was born during a time of great political and economic turmoil in Argentina. The country was under a military dictatorship at the time, and the economy was in shambles. Milei's experiences during this time may have shaped his political views and his commitment to free market principles.

Overall, Milei's birth date is a significant factor in his life and career. It has shaped his personality, his political views, and his experiences. As he continues to rise in the ranks of Argentine politics, it will be interesting to see how his birth date continues to influence his actions and decisions.


Javier Milei's height is a notable physical characteristic that has been the subject of much discussion and speculation. Some have suggested that his height gives him an advantage in politics, as it is often associated with leadership and authority. Others have argued that his height is irrelevant to his political career and that it should not be a factor in how he is perceived by voters.

There is some evidence to suggest that height can play a role in political success. For example, a study by the University of California, Berkeley found that taller candidates are more likely to be elected to office, even when controlling for other factors such as experience and qualifications. However, it is important to note that this study was conducted in the United States, and it is not clear whether the same results would hold true in other countries.

Ultimately, whether or not Javier Milei's height is an advantage or a disadvantage in politics is a matter of opinion. There is no clear consensus on this issue, and it is likely that voters will make up their own minds about his height when they decide whether or not to support him.


Javier Milei's occupation as an economist and politician is a key component of his biography and has significantly shaped his life and career. As an economist, Milei has developed a deep understanding of economic principles and policies. This knowledge has informed his political views and has guided his work as a member of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies.

Milei's economic expertise has also made him a sought-after commentator and analyst. He has appeared on numerous television and radio programs to discuss economic issues, and his writings have been published in a variety of academic and popular publications.

In addition to his work as an economist, Milei is also a passionate politician. He is a member of the Avanza Libertad party, and he has been a vocal critic of the Argentine government. Milei has called for free market reforms and a reduction in government spending. He has also been a strong supporter of individual liberty and limited government intervention in the economy.

Milei's occupation as an economist and politician has had a profound impact on his life and career. His knowledge of economics has shaped his political views and has guided his work as a member of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies. His passion for politics has led him to become a vocal critic of the government and a strong advocate for free market reforms.

Political Party

Javier Milei's affiliation with the Avanza Libertad party is a significant aspect of his biography and political career. Avanza Libertad is a libertarian party that advocates for free market policies, individual liberty, and limited government intervention in the economy. Milei's decision to join Avanza Libertad reflects his own libertarian views and his commitment to promoting these principles in Argentine politics.

Milei's involvement with Avanza Libertad has had a major impact on his career. As a member of the party, he has been able to raise his profile and reach a wider audience with his message. He has also been able to work with other like-minded individuals to develop and promote policies that align with his beliefs.

The connection between Milei's political party and his overall biography is important for understanding his motivations and goals. Avanza Libertad provides a platform for Milei to advocate for his libertarian views and to work towards his goal of reducing government intervention in the economy. As Milei continues to rise in the ranks of Argentine politics, his affiliation with Avanza Libertad is likely to continue to play a major role in his career.


Javier Milei's marriage to Mara de los ngeles Maratea, an important aspect of his biography, offers insights into his personal life and values. Here's how their relationship connects to the larger theme of "javier milei bio age height career wife":

  • Personal Fulfillment: Milei's marriage to Maratea provides a glimpse into his private life, revealing his commitment to family and relationships. This facet humanizes him beyond his public persona as a politician and economist.
  • Shared Values: Maratea is a lawyer and politician, sharing Milei's passion for public service. Their compatible ideologies suggest that their relationship is built on a foundation of mutual respect and support for each other's aspirations.
  • Public Image: Milei's marriage to Maratea contributes to his public image as a family man and devoted husband. This portrayal may influence voters' perceptions of his character and personal values.
  • Family Support: Maratea's presence in Milei's life highlights the importance of family support in his personal and professional journey. Her encouragement and companionship potentially contribute to his resilience and well-being.

In conclusion, Javier Milei's marriage to Mara de los ngeles Maratea adds depth to his overall biography. It provides insights into his personal life, values, and the dynamics that shape his public persona. Understanding this facet contributes to a more comprehensive portrayal of Milei as an individual and a public figure.


The fact that Javier Milei has two children is a significant aspect of his biography and personal life. It provides insights into his values, priorities, and the dynamics of his family life.

As a father, Milei likely experiences the joys and challenges of parenthood, which can influence his perspectives on social issues, education, and family policies. His personal experiences may shape his political views and his approach to governance.

Moreover, Milei's role as a father highlights the importance of work-life balance and the need to prioritize family responsibilities alongside professional commitments. Understanding this aspect of his life contributes to a more well-rounded understanding of Milei as an individual and a public figure.

In conclusion, the inclusion of "Children: 2" in Javier Milei's biography is not merely a numerical fact but a window into his personal life and values. It humanizes him beyond his public persona and provides insights into the factors that shape his perspectives and priorities.


Javier Milei's educational background, specifically his PhD in Economics from the University of Belgrano, is a significant component of his biography and professional trajectory. His academic qualifications contribute to his expertise and credibility within the field of economics and influence his perspectives on public policy and economic issues.

  • Expertise and Knowledge: Milei's PhD demonstrates his deep understanding of economic principles, theories, and methodologies. This expertise enables him to analyze complex economic issues, formulate informed opinions, and develop evidence-based policy recommendations.
  • Analytical and Research Skills: The pursuit of a PhD requires rigorous research and analytical skills. Milei's training in economics has equipped him with the ability to conduct independent research, interpret data, and draw logical conclusions, which are essential for effective policymaking.
  • Credibility and Authority: Holding a PhD from a reputable university enhances Milei's credibility as an economist. It signifies his commitment to academic excellence and positions him as an authoritative voice on economic matters.
  • Policy Formulation: Milei's economic expertise directly informs his policy positions and legislative proposals. His understanding of economic principles allows him to evaluate the potential impact of policies and advocate for measures that promote economic growth and individual liberty.

In conclusion, Javier Milei's PhD in Economics from the University of Belgrano is a foundational element of his biography, contributing to his specialized knowledge, analytical skills, credibility, and ability to formulate informed policy positions. These factors collectively shape his professional reputation, public persona, and overall impact within the realm of economics and public affairs.

Known for

Javier Milei's strong libertarian views and staunch opposition to government intervention in the economy are central to his political identity and have significantly shaped his career and public persona. His ideological stance has become synonymous with his name, influencing his policy positions, public discourse, and interactions with political opponents.

Milei's libertarian beliefs stem from his deep conviction in individual liberty and free markets. He advocates for a limited role of government, arguing that excessive state intervention stifles economic growth, individual choice, and personal responsibility. His opposition to government intervention extends to various policy areas, including fiscal policy, monetary policy, and social welfare programs.

Milei's libertarian views have had a profound impact on his career. They have attracted a significant following among voters who share his belief in individual liberty and limited government. His strong stance on economic issues has also made him a polarizing figure in Argentine politics, with supporters praising his consistency and critics accusing him of being too extreme.

Understanding Javier Milei's libertarian views and opposition to government intervention in the economy is crucial for comprehending his political philosophy and policy positions. His ideological stance has shaped his public persona, influenced his interactions with other political actors, and played a significant role in his rise to prominence.

Personal Beliefs

Javier Milei's personal beliefs as a practicing Catholic with conservative social views significantly contribute to his overall identity and political positions. His religious convictions and social conservatism influence his perspectives on a range of issues, shaping his policy stances and public discourse.

Milei's Catholic faith informs his views on social and moral issues, such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and euthanasia. He holds traditional beliefs that align with the teachings of the Catholic Church, opposing measures that he perceives as undermining family values or the sanctity of life. These views resonate with a segment of Argentine society that shares similar religious and conservative values.

Milei's conservative social views extend beyond religious matters, influencing his stance on other societal issues. He advocates for a strong national identity, limited immigration, and a reduced role for the state in social welfare programs. These positions reflect his belief in individual responsibility, self-reliance, and the importance of traditional social structures.

Understanding Javier Milei's personal beliefs as a practicing Catholic with conservative social views is essential for comprehending his political agenda and public persona. His religious convictions and social conservatism shape his policy positions, resonate with a specific segment of the electorate, and contribute to his overall ideological identity.

Political Career

Javier Milei's election to the Argentine Chamber of Deputies in 2017 marked a significant turning point in his career and personal life. His entry into the political arena has deeply intertwined with other aspects of his biography, shaping his public persona and influencing his overall trajectory.

Milei's political career has provided him with a platform to amplify his libertarian views and conservative social beliefs, reaching a wider audience and gaining national recognition. His election to the Chamber of Deputies has also enabled him to actively participate in policymaking and legislative debates, influencing the political landscape of Argentina.

Furthermore, Milei's political career has had a reciprocal impact on his personal life. The demands and responsibilities of public office have undoubtedly affected his daily routine, relationships, and personal time. Balancing his political commitments with his personal life has likely presented challenges and required adjustments.

Understanding the connection between Milei's political career and his overall biography sheds light on the multifaceted nature of his life and work. His election to the Argentine Chamber of Deputies has not only shaped his public image and political influence but has also had a profound impact on his personal circumstances and experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions about Javier Milei

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding Javier Milei, providing concise and informative answers based on his biography, personal beliefs, and professional career.

Question 1: What are Javier Milei's key political views?

Javier Milei is known for his strong libertarian views, advocating for individual liberty, free markets, and limited government intervention in the economy. He believes in reducing taxes, deregulation, and promoting free trade.

Question 2: What is Javier Milei's stance on social issues?

Milei holds conservative social views, opposing same-sex marriage, abortion, and euthanasia. He emphasizes traditional family values and a strong national identity.

Question 3: What is Javier Milei's educational background?

Milei holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Belgrano. His academic qualifications contribute to his expertise in economic policy and provide a foundation for his political views.

Question 4: What is Javier Milei's current political position?

Milei is a member of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies, representing the Avanza Libertad party. He is a vocal critic of the government and advocates for free market reforms and individual liberty.

Question 5: What are Javier Milei's religious beliefs?

Milei is a practicing Catholic, and his religious beliefs influence his social and moral views. He opposes measures that he perceives as undermining family values or the sanctity of life.

Question 6: What is Javier Milei's family life like?

Milei is married to Mara de los ngeles Maratea, and they have two children. His family life provides him with personal fulfillment and support, while also influencing his perspectives on social issues and family policies.

Summary: Javier Milei is a complex and multifaceted individual whose political views, personal beliefs, and career are deeply intertwined. Understanding these aspects of his life and work provides a comprehensive insight into his motivations, values, and impact on Argentine politics.

Transition to the next article section: This concludes the FAQ section on Javier Milei. In the next section, we will explore the key aspects of his economic policies and their potential implications for Argentina's future.

Tips for Understanding Javier Milei

To gain a deeper understanding of Javier Milei, his political views, and their implications, consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Examine his intellectual influences. Milei's economic ideas draw heavily from the Austrian School of Economics, particularly the work of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek. Understanding these influences provides context for his views on free markets, individual liberty, and the role of government.

Tip 2: Analyze his policy proposals. Milei's political agenda centers around reducing government intervention in the economy. His proposals include tax cuts, deregulation, and privatization of state-owned enterprises. Evaluating these policies in detail helps assess their potential impact on Argentina's economy and society.

Tip 3: Consider the historical context. Milei's rise to prominence coincides with growing dissatisfaction with Argentina's economic performance and political establishment. Understanding the country's recent history provides insights into the appeal of his message and the challenges he faces.

Tip 4: Monitor his political alliances. Milei's Avanza Libertad party has formed alliances with other political groups, including the Republican Proposal party. Examining these alliances sheds light on his political strategy and potential areas of cooperation or conflict.

Tip 5: Assess his communication style. Milei is known for his provocative and often controversial statements. Analyzing his communication style helps understand how he frames his ideas, engages with the public, and responds to criticism.

Summary: By considering these tips, readers can develop a more nuanced understanding of Javier Milei, his political views, and their potential implications for Argentina. This knowledge empowers individuals to engage in informed discussions and make their own assessments of his ideas and policies.

Transition to the article's conclusion: In conclusion, Javier Milei is a significant figure in Argentine politics, whose ideas and policies have sparked both support and controversy. By employing these tips, readers can delve deeper into his background, beliefs, and proposals, enabling them to form their own informed opinions on his impact on Argentina's present and future.


In exploring the life, career, and beliefs of Javier Milei, we gain insights into the complexities of Argentine politics and the rise of libertarian perspectives. His strong advocacy for individual liberty, free markets, and limited government intervention has resonated with a significant segment of the electorate, challenging traditional political norms.

Milei's influence on Argentina's future remains to be seen. His policies, if implemented, have the potential to reshape the country's economic landscape and social fabric. Whether his ideas will ultimately lead to greater prosperity and individual freedom or unintended consequences remains a subject of ongoing debate.

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